How Do I Become a Merchant on RUSH Plus Deals?

Becoming a Rush Plus merchant is as easy as one-two-three!

There are 3 simple steps to go live on RUSH Plus and start offering your vouchers on the platform! 

  1. Provide your Company/Brand Information 
  2. Upload the Assets Needed
  3. Set out the Deals you’ll offer


Provide your Company/Brand Information (10)

In the sign-up form, provide the necessary information and be sure to not miss any important details. This section covers the overall details of your business which will be visible on your RUSH+ Merchant page.

  • Your Contact Information:
    • Your Company Name
    • Email
    • Contact Number
  • Your Company/Brand Information:
    • Brand Name - What brand name should be shown on your RUSH+ Merchant Page?
    • Preferred Merchant URL Slug -  What URL extension do you like for your brand?

      Note: In the URL, the “mybrand” is your merchant URL slug. For brand recall, it’s recommended to use your brand name as your merchant URL slug 
    • Merchant Description - briefly explain your business for consumers to see. This information will be visible on your brand page and on your merchant card.

Upload the Assets Needed

Untitled design (1)

This section requires you to upload your brand logos and merchant page banners. Check and follow the right specifications and guidelines so that your logo or any crucial part of your branding won’t be compromised.

Assets needed (with specifications):




Thumbnail logo

200px x 80 px (landscape)

.jpg, .png, or .webp

Square logo

200px x 200 px

.jpg, .png, or .webp

Merchant page banner

1440px x 300px

.jpg, .png, or .webp


Set out the Deals you’ll offer (11)

Since RUSH+ is a voucher marketplace, this cannot go missing. Set out the deals you want to offer for your customers. 

  • Deal Name - is it a 20% discount or a free item? Tell your consumers what you’re offering. 
  • Deal Description - describe briefly (from 150-200 characters) each of the deals you want to offer.
  • Redemption Mechanics-  include steps that customers need to take to redeem the vouchers deal/offers. Include:
    • Booking Guidelines (if applicable)
    • Redemption Guidelines
    • Opening Hours
  • Deal Asset/Visuals - to entice customers to claim your deals, we recommend uploading photos that are HD, sharp, and well-lit.

    Image dimensions: 688 x 422 px; accepted file formats: .jpg, .png, or .webp. Strictly follow the dimensions of the photo and the accepted formats. 
  • Expiry - include the expiry date of your deal. (12)

After completing these 3 Steps, read the Terms and Conditions thoroughly and meticulously.  Tick the checkboxes on the form after you have agreed to complete the sign-up. 

And you’re done!