Approving Self-seeding Requests

Customers can give points to their account through the self-seeding feature accessible from your customer app or website. Self-seeding points notifies a customer’s chosen branch of the request.

All requests are subject to the approval of the branch; hence, upon verification, the branch is free to accept or reject that request.

To approve or reject self-seeding requests:

  1. Open the Merchant Mobile App and hit Self Seeding List
  2. Look for the transaction your want to verify
  3. Check the details of the transaction (e.g. transaction amount, OR number, etc.) and decide on the approval status
    • Click Approve to grant the request. The Customer will then receive the requested points
    • Click Reject to deny the request. The Customer will not receive the requested points
  4. The self-seeding request will now be removed from the list

FD_Self Seeding List