Uploading Your Products in Bulk

To start selling from your RUSH eStore, one of the first and most important things to do is to add your products and build your catalog. This allows your customers to find your products from your online store.

You can choose to upload your products individually using the “Add New Product” function. For stores with a bigger catalog and longer list of products, however, we recommend that you upload them in one go using the Bulk Upload buttons in the CMS.

Navigate to CMS > eStore > Products.

There are 2 Bulk Upload options: Simple and Variable. You can find the download template button next to the upload button. Clicking download will give you a zip file for that corresponding Bulk Upload type.

Steps for adjusting the zip file are as follows:

  1. Add in all the Product images you want to use in the images folder.
    1. Make the filenames for the images easy to type in. This will be important later.
  2. Edit the csv file with the products you want to upload.
  3. Click the corresponding upload button and select the zip file.
  4. Click save and wait for the upload to finish.
  5. Double check the uploaded products by refreshing the page and searching for a product.

CSV file editing guidelines for Simple Bulk Upload:

  1. Type in the Name of the product (max 50 characters)
  2. Type in the Description of the product (max 300 characters)
  3. Type in the corresponding image name for the product
    1. Include the file extension (ie. product.jpg, burger.png, etc)
  4. Type in the unique SKU code to be associated with the product
  5. Set the default amount of Stock for the initial upload
  6. Type in “PHP” for Currency
  7. Type in the Price of the product
  8. Set On Sale to 0
  9. Type in any unique identifier for the Variation
  10. Set Visibility to 1

CSV file editing guidelines for Variable Bulk Upload:

  1. Type in the Name of the product (max 50 characters)
  2. Type in the Description of the product (max 300 characters)
  3. Type in the corresponding image name for the product
    1. Include the file extension (ie. product.jpg, burger.png, etc)
  4. Type in “PHP” for Currency
  5. Set On Sale to 0
  6. Set Visibility to 1
  7. You will create the different variations for the products under Variation Attribute.
    1. Format is as follows: {attribute 1} : {variation 1} | {variation 2} + {attribute 2} : {variation 1} | {variation 2} + {attribute x} : {variation 1} | {variation x}
      1. "+" separates each attribute
      2. ":" separates attribute(1) and variations
      3. "|" separates each variations
    2. For exSample: Flavor: Chocolate | Vanilla + Size: Pint | Tub
      1. This will generate 2 attributes: Flavor and Size
      2. Flavor attribute has 2 variations: Chocolate and Vanilla
      3. Size attribute has 2 variations: Pint and Tub
      4. Customer will be able to choose between the 2 different flavors and 2 different sizes when ordering this item
  8. You will set the SKU code, inventory, and price for each variation you have created.
    1. Format is as follows: {variation 1 of attribute 1}_{variation 1 of attribute 2} : {SKU code for the combination} | {Stock count} | {Price for the combination} + {variation 2 of attribute 1}_{variation 1 of attribute 2} : {SKU code for the combination} | {Stock count} | {Price for the combination} + {variation x of attribute x}_{variation x of attribute x} : {SKU code for the combination} | {Stock count} | {Price for the combination}
      1. "+" separates each product entity
      2. ":" separates unique combined product name(first word), corresponding variation  and inventory details (SKU,STOCK,PRICE)
      3. "|" separates product inventory details
    2. Sample: Chocolate_Pint: CHPINT | 10 | 100.00 + Chocolate_Tub: CHTUB |  10 | 200.00 + Vanilla_Pint: VNPINT | 15 | 90.00 + Vanilla_Tub: VNTUB | 15 | 180.00
      1. Chocolate Pint: 10 SKUs at Php 100.00 each with SKU Code CHPINT
      2. Chocolate Tub: 10 SKUs at Php 200.00 each with SKU Code CHTUB
      3. Vanilla Pint: 15 SKUs at Php 90.00 each with SKU Code VNPINT
      4. Vanilla Tub: 15 SKUs at Php 180.00 each with SKU Code VNTUB

Sample files can be downloaded from this link. Look for the file you want to download then right click to download.