How can I update my products in each brand?

In E-store Module > Locations, you have more options to customize your brands and branches. You can tag the products added in all branches or you can customize each branch depending on your preference.

Advance Settings

In Advance Settings, you can enable your customers to order from multiple brands and branches, and display multiple brands on your customer channels. You may also choose to highlight a featured Brand. 

How is it different from the Store module?

The E-Store Module > Locations tab combines the features of Store Module > Organization tab and the Estore > Products tab. From the Locations tab, you have more options or settings available to customize your uploaded brands, branches, and products.

Editing Brands 

Aside from the Store Module > Organizations Tab, you can also customize the category of your brand on E-Store Module using the edit button. With this, you can

  1. Update the Brand Category
  2. Update the Product Category
  3. Upload your Banner Image (required size: 375x269 px, supports JPG,PNG)

Note: There is no option to delete the Brand from the Locations tab. If you need to delete any of your uploaded brands, go to the Store Module > Organization tab.

Editing Branches

You also have an option to configure  your products for each of your branches using the Locations tab. With this, you can

  • Update the prices of your products in real time 
  • Put the products on sale and set a period when the products will be on sale
  • Update the quantity of the products

In order to do this: 

  1. Go to E-Store Module > Locations tab
  2. Click the arrow button of the Brand that includes the branch you want to update 
  3. Click the eye button of your branch
  4. You will be directed to the products page where you will see the products tagged to the branch. Clickthe Edit button of the product that you want to update. 
  5. You may now update the price, set the product on sale, and update the quantity according to your preference. 

Displaying CMS-eStore Location.gif

Note: There’s no option to update the product’s description, variation, and attributes from this tab. If you need to update the product information, go to the E-Store Module > Products