Using eStore News & Pop up Tabs | RUSH Help Center

When it comes to promoting your products or services, you may use eStore marketing tools, such as News and Pop-up tabs, to speak directly to your target audience.

In this tab, we offer a variety of features to help our merchants engage with their customers, such as the use of pop-up banners, posters, news tabs, and loyalty functions. 

However, not all of these features are available for web estores. Web estores can only utilize pop-up banners or posters for their marketing efforts. These features are useful for showcasing new products, limited-time offers, or special discounts to visitors on the website. On the other hand, both the news tab and pop-up banners or posters can be utilized on Customer App.

While it may seem limiting to only have access to pop-up banners or posters, these features can still be effective in driving traffic to web estores and increasing sales. By creating eye-catching graphics, including strong calls to action, and strategically placing them on the website, you can capture the attention of visitors and entice them to make a purchase. If you really want to access the news feature, you can upgrade your subscription to have a customer app channel and utilize this function and other functions only available on customer app channels.

To maximize this tab via CMS, please go to the Engagement module then go to News and Pop Up. Creating and updating this engagement functions is just simple, you just need to fill out and upload necessary details, please see the required details below:

  1. Pop-up Banner or Poster 
    • Enter Title
    • Choose if you want to create a Poster or Banner
    • Upload Image
      • Banner recommended image (325 x 215 px)
      • Poster recommended image size (325x510px)
    • Image link
      • External link - A URL link to direct your customer on any website you want them to be redirected to, once they click the image.
      • News link - (only applicable for customer app)
    • Button (optional)
      • Home Button - Customer will be redirected to homepage without seeing the other pop up banner (if any). Unless this is on the last sequence of displaying the banner
    • Publish Details
      • Choose preferred and applicable channel/s you want to publish the pop up poster or banner
    • Publish Date
      • Choose the date you want to publish
    • Click Save or Draft
      • Draft - If you don’t want to publish yet

If you want to make any updates, click the draft pencil icon.  

  • Save - If you want to publish

  1. News 
    • Enter Title
    • Upload Image (recommended size, 375 x 300 px)
    • News content
    • Button (optional)
      • Home Button - Customer will be redirected to homepage without seeing the other pop up banner (if any). Unless this is on the last sequence of displaying the banner
    • Add pop up (optional)
      • If you want to create a pop up at the same time
    • Publish Details
      • Choose preferred and applicable channel/s you want to publish the pop up poster or banner
    • Publish Date
      • Choose the date you want to publish
    • Click Save or Draft
      • Draft - If you don’t want to publish yet


If you want to make any updates, click the draft pencil icon. 

  • Save - If you want to publish

In the general settings, you can update the frequency and sequence of pop-up displays once a customer signs in.

  • Sequential posting - Sequence arrangement of published banners
  • Frequency - Number of times the pop-up will be displayed
    • Per Day
    • Recurrence per month or week