Resolution Time based on Severity

Each concern received by the RUSH Support will be given an SLA depending on Severity.

Severity Type First Response Update Response Resolution Time
Showstopper Issue 1 business hour 2 business Hours 4 business Hours
Major Issue, Request 1 business hour 6 business Hours 24 - 48 business Hours
Medium Issue, Request 1 business hour 12 business Hours 3-5 Business Days
Minor Request, Inquiry 1 business hour 24 business Hours 5-10 Business Days






Server downtime or outage on RUSH Tools which has a total impact on the Merchant's Operations and needs to be addressed within the day.

Sample Concerns L1 Action L2 Action L3 Action
Server Downtime Check the functionality of CMS and Apps in relation to server connectivity   Check AWS Account and AWS Services if they’re functioning properly
Merchant access and Customer App Downtime Check the functionality of Merchant or Customer App in relation to connectivity Assessment of Issue Build update (if necessary)
Assessment of device used to run the Merchant or Customer App
App availability on Google Playstore and Apple App Store Confirmation of unavailability Assessment of Issue  
Republishing of Apps in Google Playstore and Apple App Store (if necessary)
Log In Error prompting server issue L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of Issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2


Merchant partners can access RUSH tools without any issues but there is a major adjustment needed to be deployed that may somehow affect Operations.

Sample Concerns L1 Action L2 Action L3 Action
Points Generation Issue/ Points Adjustment Check functionality in CMS Assessment of Issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
SKU does not tag properly L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of Issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    
Unable to publish a live branch or product L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of Issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    
Application cannot be installed properly L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of Issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    


Merchant partners can access RUSH tools without any issues. These requests or issues reported are non-critical and can be resolved within 3-5 business days. There can be a work around to it. 

Sample Concerns L1 Action L2 Action L3 Action
Password Reset L1 to request password change to L2 L2 to send a new password  
CMS Issues (Unable to update content) L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    
Imported Items are Missing L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    
Selecting a mode of payment leads to an error
Selecting the PIN location leads to an error
L1 to gather the data from client Assessment of issue Bug fixes (if necessary)
Escalation to L2    


Merchant partners can access RUSH tools without any issues. The Minor concerns can be answered without L2 Assistance, while some basic how-to questions can be answered with the FAQs articles or by L1.

Sample Concerns L1 Action L2 Action L3 Action
Inquiry Respond to the inquiry with an article from Help Center    
Database entry changes L1 to confirm the data changes L2 to apply the changes  
Extraction of Transaction History L1 to request for details (Duration) Complete Extraction request  
Request for extraction to L2