Scan to Order Transaction History in CMS

In this module, you can see how your Scan to Order transaction history contributes to creating a personalized and improved customer experience.

You can come up with strategies on how to use your transaction history to customize promotions, anticipate the needs of customers, and build customer loyalty. 

To keep track of and view your Scan to Order transactions, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in your CMS account
  2. Go to ‘Orders’ module
  3. Go to ‘Scan to Order’ tab
    From here you can now view your transaction history, you have the option to:
    1. Search 
    2. Filter ‘Order’ and ‘Payment’ status
    3. Filter date range
    4. Check the transaction history in tabular format
    5. Option to view specific transaction details

Click the eye icon to see dine-details or transaction details.

Check the transaction history in tabular format

The following data will be displayed:

  • Reference number, customer name, Date and Time, Brand and Branch, Amount, Payment method, Points Earned, Order Status, Payment Status and Actions. 

You may also sort the data by column by clicking the arrow buttons up or down for each column.