Starting your Loyalty with Privilege Card bundle

Privilege Card bundle feature enables you to create a card bundle, customize the privilege cards, check statuses of each privilege card bought by your Loyalty customers with the rewards and vouchers that they can avail.

Creating Privilege Card bundle

  1. Log in to your CMS.
  2. Go to “Privilege Card Bundle”module
  3. Then click +New Card Bundle
  4. From there, you can personalize the Privilege card you would like to add
    1. Title
    2. Description (Maximum of 300 Characters)
    3. Price
    4. Validity
    5. Card Bundle Content
      •  You can choose any rewards and vouchers that are only applicable to Privilege cards. With this, it gives your customer special perks of having a privilege card with you. 
    6. Image Assets
      • This is how you will customize the design of the privilege card that will be visible to your customers
    7. Visibility
  5. After filling up the necessary details, just click Save. 

Card bundles

After creating the card bundle, you have the option to check the statuses if a customer already bought a card or make some adjustments with the existing card bundles. On this part, you will see:

  1. Package type
    • It shows the type of package that your customer avail of. 
  2. No. of Members
    • It shows how many customers already bought your privilege card bundle
  3. Price
    • It shows the price of the package that the customer avails of.
  4. Validity
    • It shows the validity of the package that the customer avails.
  5. Status
    • It shows if the card or the package is Active or Inactive. 
  6. Action
    • In Action, you have the option to:
      1. Check the card numbers if it has been bought already or not (Active/Inactive)
      2. Edit the existing card bundle. Note: it will require inputting password before proceeding
      3. Add additional card numbers on the existing card bundle

App header

The app header is used to upload the design you want for the header on the customer app once your customer goes to the privilege card tab. Kindly take note that the size for this one is 350x200.