Advanced Settings of the eStore Design Module | RUSH Help Center

Here, learn how you can customize your eStore Web, Customer App, and GLife storefronts with the advanced features of the Design Module.

You can change the look and feel of your front-end channels by updating the design of this function. You can update this via CMS on Web Design > advanced settings. 


Web Design Advanced Settings Features:

  1. Icons and Logos
  2. Snippet Details
  3. Order Status
  4. Web Sequence
  5. About Us 
  6. Categories
  7. Our Brands



Icons and Logos

Upload the right image assets to make your brand more recognizable.Kindly note that before uploading logos and icons on advanced settings. You must create a design for the web first to publish this design.


  1. Web Favicon
    This will be displayed on your browser at the top of your eStore link. The required format of the image is .ico and required size is 32x32 px.
  2. App Icon
    This is for App Icon
  3. Web Logo
    This is the reason why you must create a web design first. This can be both updated on web design or on this tab, icons and logos advanced settings. 

Please note that you must upload all of these 3 icons and logos to save the changes.





Branded Snippet

Enhance the visibility of your RUSH-powered eStore or Loyalty website on search engines using the Snippet feature. A search result is typically composed of a title, a URL, and a description, or snippet. Snippets act as a preview for your website from a search results page.From here, you can create or update your snippet title and description.

It might take search engines such as Google a few days to index any change you make on your website, including your title and description.



Order Status

Upload image assets that you think will suit the order status to customize your estore's order page. This is available for Website, Customer App and Glife eStore channel. You can choose what is applicable and enable visibility. Order status are as follows:

  1. Pending 
  2. Processing
  3. Dispatched/Pickup
  4. Delivered/Claimed

Upload background image and status icon for each order status, you can click the arrow drop button to show other order status and update accordingly. The sample display will be shown at the side of the screen.



Web Sequence

This is where you can customize how your sections will show on your customer channels. To show/ hide the sections, simply click the dial buttons to change the section’s visibility. You can also sort the sections however you want by dragging each section in the order of your choice.


About Us

Show your Customers who you are as a company or brand. Give them a preview of your specialties, tell them the important things they should know about you, welcome them to your online store with a short message, or get them curious about the unique selections you offer. Whichever you decide on, this section is extremely helpful in capturing the attention of your existing and potential customers

  1. Go to Advanced Settings > About Us
  2. Add a title for the section (example: About Us, Who We Are, etc.)
  3. Add a brief brand description, an  introductory message, or a welcome message in the ‘About Short Description’ text box. The short description should have a maximum of 200 characters.
  4. Add more information about your brand using the ‘More Info’ section. Customers will be able to see this additional information or description once they click the ‘More Info’ button on your About Us section.
  5. You may add an image to go with your company description or welcome message by uploading the image you want to use for the About Us section. For optimal image display on your channels, the selected image should be 304 x 127 px. If you do not want to include an image for this section, simply toggle off this option. 




Categories make it easy for your customers to browse through your products. Showing this section on your Web Store or Customer App’s home page allows you to highlight a maximum of five product categories. Once a category is selected, customers will be shown the brands and branches with available products under the chosen category.

To edit your Categories section:

  1. Go to Advanced Settings > Categories
  2. From the dropdown list, choose the category you want to edit
  3. Click the color wheel to choose the background color you want to use for the category.
  4. Click ‘Add New Category’ and add another featured category.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other Categories.

Only categories created on the CMS will be included in the dropdown list. You can add product categories from the E-Store module of your CMS. Read more here.



Our Brands

This section allows you to feature up to 7 of your onboarded brands on your home page. This is highly recommended for businesses/enterprises carrying multiple brands as it allows your customers to see all the brands associated with your business. Each featured brand will also have a dedicated page that will show the brand’s branches near your customers.

To differentiate your featured brands from one another, it is best to use the logo of each brand.

To edit your Our Brands section:

  1. Go to Advanced Settings > Our Brands
  2. From the dropdown list, choose the brand you want to edit from your onboarded brands. 
  3. Upload the logo of your selected  Brand or add an image you want to use.For optimal image display on your channels, the selected image should be 335 x 140 px.
  4. Click “Add New Brand” to add another featured brand.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other Brands.

Only onboarded brands will be included in the dropdown list. You can enroll additional brands from the Store module of your CMS. Read more here.