Using the eStore Order Fulfillment Module | RUSH Help Center

Unique to the eStore solutions, functions related to your eStore’s deliveries and pickup transactions can be found here.

From this module, you can:



Navigating the Order Fulfillment Module

Configure your delivery and pick-up settings in one place.

Previously located in the Advanced Settings of each of your brands, the logistics options are now moved to the Order Fulfillment module.

This is the hub for all settings related to the delivery or pick-up of your orders.

With this new feature, you are now able to accept advanced orders for scheduled delivery or pick-up, set a pre-order lead time, and set the order fulfillment settings for same-day delivery.

The different logistics options that you can choose to activate for your branches are Deliver Now, Scheduled Delivery, Pick-up Now, and Scheduled Pick-up.


In this article:

Delivery Settings

Pick-up Settings



Delivery Settings

From your Delivery Settings, you can choose whether to enable the Deliver Now option for some or all of your brands and branches, and configure the settings of your scheduled delivery for advanced orders. With these settings easily customizable for each of your branch, you can provide your customers with different delivery options for branches nearby. This also gives you the flexibility to prepare your customers' orders ahead of time and anticipate the logistics you will be requiring for a particular day and time.


To know more about each delivery option, read the article here.



Pick-up Settings

If you opt to allow your customers to collect their orders form your store, you can enable store pick-up and update the settings from the same module. You may apply the same settings you set for Delivery (Deliver Now or Scheduled Delivery), or choose different settings for pick up. Whichever you choose, the set up process is easy for merchants to navigate. 

To know more about each pick-up option, read the article here.

Once set, the updated delivery and pick-up options will now appear on your customer channels.

This is how the options will appear on the checkout page of your web store:

Date picker:

This is how the order fulfillment options will appear on the checkout page of your mobile app:



Setting up the Order Fulfillment Module

For RUSH eStore Merchants, we’d like to introduce to you the Order Fulfillment Module. This is where you can change your settings for the delivery, pickup, and even scheduling for any order you receive.



All settings related to Delivery can be found here. Actions you can do here include choosing which branches can do deliveries, and set up schedules for delivery pre-ordering.

Navigate by going CMS -> Order Fulfillment Module -> Delivery Tab. 


To select branches that can do deliveries:

  1. Toggle the “Deliver Now” slider to Enabled
  2. Select which Brands and Branches can have the delivery option
    1. Mark the brand and/or branch you want to enable using the checkbox
    2. Multiple selections are allowed
    3. You can click ‘Clear Selected’ to remove all brands and branches you marked
  3. Click “Apply” once done with your selection


To change the Pre-Order Schedule setup for deliveries:

  1. Toggle the “Pre-Order Schedule Settings” slider to Enabled
  2. Select the minimum amount of days or time a Customer can schedule ahead under “Minimum”
    1. Click the dropdown below “Minimum”
    2. Select from the dropdown
    3. Indicate the number for the dropdown
  3. Select the maximum amount of days or time a Customer can schedule in between under “Duration”
    1. Click the dropdown below “Duration”
    2. Select from the dropdown
    3. Indicate the number for the dropdown
  4. Select which Brands and Branches can have the pre-order delivery option
    1. Mark the brand and/or branch you want to enable using the checkbox
    2. Multiple selections are allowed
    3. You can click ‘Clear Selected’ to remove all brands and branches you marked
  5. Click “Apply” once done with your selection


To select which days and/or times Pre-Order enabled:

  1. Under Pre-Order Settings, click the dropdown to select which branch you’d like to edit.
  2. Click “Set up Pre-Order Setting”.
  3. 2 Options are available
    1. Ask for Days (AD) if you want customers to only select the day of their pre-ordering
    2. Ask for Days & Time (ADT) if you want customers to select both the day and time of their pre-ordering
  4. Under Pre-Ordering days
    1. (AD) Click the dropdown to select how many pre-orders can be scheduled
    2. (ADT) Click the dropdown to select how many pre-orders can be scheduled
  5. Click “Save Changes” at the top once done.



All settings related to Pick-Up can be found here. It shares the same menu and content as Delivery so if you have finished your Delivery setup, this should be easier.




This is where you can set up the delivery fees to be charged to your customers. Two types of delivery fees can be set: Fixed and Dynamic. By selecting the Fixed delivery fee option, the system will automatically charge your customer a flat amount regardless of the road distance. On the other hand, selecting the Dynamic delivery option will charge your customer an amount according to the road distance. Both Deliver Now and Scheduled Delivery options share the same menu.


To set up a Fixed delivery fee:

  1. Select Fixed under Deliver Now and/or Scheduled Delivery
  2. Under Base Fee Value, input the delivery amount that will be charged to the customer 
  3. You can offer free delivery to your customers when they meet your required minimum purchase amount. This encourages customers to increase their basket size. To enable free delivery:

Toggle on Minimum Spend Delivery - Enter the minimum  amount you will be requiring


To set up a Dynamic delivery fee:

  1. Select Dynamic under Deliver Now and/or Scheduled Delivery
  2. Under Base Fee Value, enter the flag-down amount (amount that will be charged regardless of distance)
  3. Under the Base Kilometer Range, set the maximum distance (in kilometers) for which the Base Fee Value will apply
  4. Under Added Value, enter the delivery fee that will be added on top of the base fee for every  kilometer distance exceeding the set Base Kilometer Range
  5. You can offer free delivery to your customers when they meet your required minimum purchase amount. This encourages customers to increase their basket size. To enable free delivery:
    1. [Optional] Toggle on Minimum Spend Delivery - this gives the customer free delivery if they hit the minimum amount
    2. Enter the minimum Type in the amount you will be requiring for minimum spending



Sample Dynamic delivery fee:

Base Fee Value: 80

Base Kilometer Range: 2

Added Value per Kilometer: 10


Example 1: Delivery distance: 5km

Base Fee Value will be applied for the first 2 kilometers. The Added Value per kilometer will be charged to the exceeding 3 kilometers.


Base Fee Value: 80

Base Kilometer Range: 2

Total Added Value: 30

Total Delivery Fee: 110

Example 2: Delivery distance: 7.5km

Base fee Value will be applied for the first 2 kilometers. The Added Value per kilometer will be charged for every succeeding kilometer and a fraction thereof calculation purposes.

Base Fee Value: 80

Base Kilometer Range: 2

Total Added Value: 60

Total Delivery Fee: 140




This is where you can configure the other settings for your orders. These include Order Notification via Email, Notes to Customer, and other future functions.


To use Order Notification:

  1. Toggle “Yes” or “No” if you want this option enabled
  2. Enter the email address that would receive the notification
  3. Click the Plus button to include another email address
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every additional recipient
  5. Click the delete button to remove an email address from the recipients
  6. Click “Save Changes” once done

The added email addresses will now receive emails whenever an order is placed.



To use Notes to Customer:

  1. Input the header or title under Title
  2. Input the content under Instruction
  3. Click Save Changes once done

Customers will now see this note whenever they check out from your eStore.


Managing Your Customers' Orders

All orders placed online by your Customers to your branch will be visible on the Orders tab. With the exception of delivered and cancelled orders, all orders are grouped according to status within this tab, which are shown at the top portion of the screen:

  • Pending- all new, unprocessed orders
  • In Process- orders that are ongoing preparation
  • For Dispatch- orders that are ready to be delivered or are currently being delivered to the customer


Other order statuses include:

  • Delivered- order is received by the customer. Once this is selected, an order is considered completed. No further changes can be made from this point.
  • Cancelled- order is cancelled by the merchant or the customer (if enabled).

Delivered and Cancelled orders can be viewed from the Order History, accessible from the More tab.


The upper portion of the screen also shows the number of new orders, which are all listed under the Pending status tab by default. The new orders can also be seen on the Notifications tab.


Any order can be cancelled from the RUSH Merchant app as long as it’s not yet on the Delivered status. Customers will be notified of any change in the order status through the Customer App or an SMS.


In this article:

  • Managing Orders and Changing Order Status
  • Fulfilling Orders via Third Party Logistics (3PL)


Managing Orders and Changing Order Status

To manage orders and change the order status:

  1. Click on the Order Card to see the order details of the order.
    • The Order Summary tab displays the complete details of the Customer’s order. (Tip: you can also contact the customer via the mobile number displayed in this view) 
    • You can also switch to the Order Items tab to display all the items and the breakdown of total order cost.
  2. Select the appropriate Preparation Time needed for you to handle the Customer’s order. This option is only available for orders which are still in the Processing status.
  3. Update the Order Status by choosing the appropriate status from the dropdown menu.
    • By default, Pending orders will be changed to Processing upon update, unless a different order status is selected.
    • Dispatching orders using in-house or third-party logistics are only applicable to those with either Processing or For Dispatch status. 
  4. Click Save Changes.

The orders will be moved under its new status group as soon as its status is changed.



Fulfilling Orders via Third Party Logistics (3PL)

Delivering orders is the final and crucial step in ensuring that your products reach your customers quickly and efficiently. For merchants who do not have their own delivery services, orders can be fulfilled through a 3PL fully integrated into the RUSH platform.


Click here to know more about our integrated 3PL partner and how to book or cancel a delivery rider.

To track the order location after the order is dispatched, click the Track Rider button.